Our Heroes
We remember
Our Hometown Heroes
Harry Brumm
Stanley Biehler
Gordon E. Butler
Peter Kane
Fred Joiliffe
Larry Johnson
Norman Cochrane
Jim Camm
James Arnold
Jean Paul Martel
Ben Hill
Hugh Lemieux
Jacques Levesque
Eldon AH Teske
Archie Renwick
Bill Christie
CG Smith
Bruce Maclachlan
JP Hudson
Harold Lenaghan
George French
George Villeneuve
Cecil Ivall
James Stanyar
Gilbert Limmer
Joe N Chenier
Gerard Beaudoin
Philippe Desjardins
Rene Martin
Clifford McQuaig
Harrold Kosmack
Armand Charette
Do you have a veteran hero you would like to remember here?
Send us the name, rank, photo and brief description their military or RCMP service and we will do our best to add it to this remembrance wall.